Female firefighter encourages conquering goals in the New Year

For Courtney Mastro, volunteering is second nature.

The 26-year-old joined the Laurence Harbor Fire Department just one month after turning 18. Growing up, Mastro watched her father, Don, 49, work his way up the ranks as a Laurence Harbor volunteer firefighter, eventually serving as chief.

“I’ve always enjoyed volunteering. I even volunteered as an EMT prior to joining LHFD,” Mastro said in a statement provided by The Communication Solutions Group. “I love interacting with people in the community and seeing how appreciative they are of our services.”

Even though Mastro grew up around the firehouse, she noted volunteers with any experience level are welcome at the department.

“We have hands-on training sessions throughout the year, and the department pays for us to go through the fire academy, and any other certifications that we’re interested in. They also pay for our gear and equipment,” she said in the statement.

With the help of the department’s line officers, Mastro is constantly working on skills she needs improvement on, and setting personal goals, according to the statement. Many LHFD volunteers are also career firefighters in neighboring departments, and are always willing to offer advice and assistance when learning new skills.

“I eventually want to start driver’s training, and work my way up to serve as president,” Mastro said in the statement. “Volunteering encourages me to meet milestones in other areas of my life. I opened my own business at 26, and with that under my belt, I know I can achieve even more.”

Firefighting comes with many unexpected benefits; getting fit and building practical skills that apply in other areas of life are just a few of the added benefits Mastro has found throughout her volunteer journey.

“Our volunteers are eager to show new volunteers the ropes and prepare them for a variety of emergencies,” Fire Chief Brian Stitzel said in the statement. “Firefighting is the best way to get involved in the community and feel good about the work you’re doing.”

The Laurence Harbor Fire Department is seeking motivated individuals to join as volunteer firefighters. Volunteers can expect to participate in training sessions and contribute to administrative duties across the department.

Visit to learn more and complete an inquiry form.