Blood drive on Dec. 28 is in memory of Old Bridge elementary school teacher

New Jersey Blood Service/New York Blood Center (NYBC) will hold a blood drive in memory of Jessica Uveges LoNigro from 1-7 p.m. Dec. 28 at Most Holy Redeemer Church, 133 Amboy Road, Matawan.

LoNigro, who passed away from lupus, was a teacher at Walter M. Schirra Elementary School in Old Bridge.

LoNigro relied on blood transfusions and a strong blood supply during her illness. Since her passing in 2014, her family has been hosting two blood drives annually in her memory. From these blood drives, more than 1,950 pints of blood have been donated in her memory and will likely go over the 2,000 pints at this event.


To make an appointment for the blood drive, sign up at

People are not eligible to donate if they’re experiencing a cold, sore throat, respiratory infection or flu-like symptoms. Additional information on donor eligibility and COVID-19 precautions is available at