Monmouth County News Briefs, Jan. 5

Books, book discussions, searching books for family history, as well as how to sell a book are on tap in January on the Monmouth County Library’s virtual series of programs and in-person.

Family Tree Building is the library’s program that encourages genealogy searches and is available on the library’s website, or its obituaries and death notices under Ancestry.Com, in addition to the bookshelves in the libraries.

Monmouth County Library card holders are invited to search reams of information online as well as in any of the library branches. Further information about searches is available by calling 732-431-7220, ext 7222.

Visiting the Monmouth County Library at offers opportunities to contribute to a mystery book discussion on Jan. 20 when Jeanmarie Kantor, of the library’s headquarters staff, will moderate a discussion of “The Boy from the Woods” by
Harlan Coben.

Registration for this discussion of Coben’s latest work is required by noon on Jan. 19. Registration is available at or @MonCoLibrary.

Donald Barthelme’s “I Bought a Little City,” a short story, will be the topic of discussion on  Jan. 27 at 10:30 a.m. as Hazlet branch librarian Mary Patterson moderates a Zoom presentation. Registration for the discussion closes at noon on Jan. 26 and a PDF of the story will be e-mailed to registrants prior to the program.

Author, editor and librarian Kerri Sullivan will present a program about crafting a book proposal to sell on Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m., with registration required no later than noon on  Jan. 24.

For more information, visit and search the Upcoming Events column. Information is also available at all library branches.


New Jersey Statewide Drug Court will be renamed the New Jersey Statewide Recovery Court, effective Jan. 1, Judge Glenn A. Grant, administrative director of the courts, has announced.

“This name change reflects the primary goal of the program – recovery – as we continue to work with potential employers to connect program graduates with job opportunities,” Grant was quoted as saying in a press release.

The Judiciary’s JOBS (Judiciary Opportunities for Building Success) program partners with local employers to provide employment and job training, as well as professional development, for drug court graduates as well as those individuals who complete probation, according to the press release.

The program gives probation clients a second chance at rebuilding their lives while employers have the opportunity to support their local communities, according to the press release.

New Jersey’s drug court program, which started as a pilot in 2001, has helped more than 6,600 graduates reclaim their lives from substance abuse. More than 26,800 participants have been enrolled in the program since April 1, 2002, according to the press release.


The Old Barracks Museum, Trenton, will host two lectures by leading historians sponsored by the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey. Lectures are online, free to attend, and start at 7 p.m. Books can be ordered online at

On Jan. 26 at 7 p.m., Larry Kidder will present a lecture about his book “The Revolutionary World of a Free Black Man: Jacob Francis, 1754-1836.” The story of Jacob Francis and his family provides an inside view of life in New Jersey in the late 18th and early 19 centuries and the revolutionary changes affecting the lives of free and enslaved Black people. Registration is required.

On Feb. 9 at 7 p.m., T. Cole Jones will present “The Problem of Prisoners of War in the American Revolution” which focuses on his book “Captives of Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance in the American Revolution.”

The lecture will examine how the founding generation of Americans grappled with the problems of prisoner treatment. The talk will take the audience from the meeting rooms of the Continental Congress to the prison camps of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, revealing the factors that coalesced to transform the conflict into a war for vengeance, escalating its violence precipitously. Registration is required.

All lectures are free and can be accessed via a Zoom link on or


The N.J. Health Care Networking Group, a free organization for anyone in the health care industry, including those who provide ancillary products and services, will host its monthly Zoom meeting on Jan. 12 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, the V.I.P. Member Spotlight, is hosting the meeting.

To register, visit and receive the Zoom code to join the Jan. 12 meeting. For more information about N.J. Health Care Networking Group, contact Lisa Gallicchio at [email protected] or visit

Once an individual registers to become a member, they can post health care and marketing events, news, training information, and location of meetings on the website of N.J. Health Care Networking Group. All registrants also have access to the N.J. Health Care Network member directory, according to a press release.