Photo courtesy of Hopewell Township

Hopewell Township honors longtime volunteers

Hopewell Township honored volunteers on boards, committees and commissions who have served 10 or more years as 2021 came to a close in December.

On Dec. 20, 2021, each person received a certificate of appreciation and a commemorative 2021 quarter depicting Washington Crossing the Delaware, sealed in a case, according to a statement provided by the township.

The township has six advisory committees that provide input and counsel on affordable housing, open space priorities, deer management, senior services, recreation and agricultural preservation.

Additionally, volunteers serve on the Environmental and Historic Preservation commissions, the Planning Board,and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Hopewell Township has nearly 100 people serving the township, according to the statement.

The list of honorees who have served for 10 years or more include:

Zoning Board of Adjustment
William Cane – 2002–21 – 19 years

Planning Board

Karen Murphy – 2003–21 – 19 years

Paul Kiss – 2009–21 – 13 years

Russell Swanson – 2002–21 – 18 years

Environmental Commission:
George Kerr – 1997 – 2021 – 25 years
Michael Aucott – 1999 – 2021 – 23 years
Rex Parker – 2000–21 – 22 years
Nora Sirbaugh – 2007–21 – 15 years
James Gambino – 2008–21 – 14 years

Historic Preservation Commission:
Max Hayden – 2000–21 – 22 years

Board of Health Advisory Committee:
Michael Rothwell – 2007–21 – 15 years

Affordable Housing Committee:
Christine Herman – 2005–21 – 17 years

Timothy Keenan – 2011–21 – 11 years
Lauren Williams – 2009–21 – 13 years

Open Space Advisory Committee:
Kurt Vollherbst – 2009–21 – 13 years
Judy Clarke – 2011–21 – 11 years
Carol Kleis – 2002–21 – 20 years
Alan Hershey – 2001–21 – 21 years

Agricultural Advisory Committee:
Lucia Huebner – 2001–21 – 21 years
George Sciarrotta – 2012–21 – 10 years

Recreation Advisory Committee:
Kurt Vollherbst – 2009 – 2021 – 13 years
Mike Chipowsky – 2008 – 2021 – 14 years

Deer Management Advisory Committee
William Cane – 2011–21 – 11 years
Michael Van Clef – 20–21 – 11 years
John Piepzak – 2012–21 – 10 years

Later in the meeting, a Joint Legislative Resolution from Senator Shirley Turner and Assembly Members Verlina Reynolds-Jackson and Anthony Verelli was presented by the committee to former Mayor Julie Blake, paying tribute to her for her record of service to Hopewell Township, her leadership, and her commitment.

2021 was a difficult year, and as mayor she rose to the occasion by providing guidance through COVID, promoting responsible budgets, encouraging future leaders, and more, always with the goal of listening to all perspectives and uplifting those who are disadvantaged in the community, according to the statement.

Each member of the committee, County Commissioner Nina Melker, and several members of the public paid tribute to Blake and Committee Member Kristin McLaughlin, who both will be moving on in 2022, with Blake becoming a private citizen and McLaughlin moving to the board of County Commissioners.