Dalina, Enriquez lauded for service to Sayreville

SAYREVILLE – Two departing members of the Sayreville Borough Council have been recognized for their service.

Dec. 13 marked the final meeting for Kevin Dalina and Damon Enriquez as members of the governing body. The incumbent Democrats fell short of their re-election bids in the November 2021 election, which was won by Republican newcomers Eunice Dwumfour and Christian Onuoha.

Both Dalina and Enriquez joined the Borough Council in 2019 and served one full, three-year term. In 2021, Dalina served as council president.

The defeats of Dalina and Enriquez led to Democrats losing their 5-1 majority on the Borough Council, which is now a 3-3 split between Democrats and Republicans. Democrat Victoria Kilpatrick holds the mayor’s office.

At the Dec. 13 meeting, Dalina and Enriquez were recognized by borough officials for their service to Sayreville. Both received plaques in honor of their three years on the governing body.

Kilpatrick voiced praise for Dalina’s and Enriquez’s work as borough councilmen.

“When you [Dalina] first came aboard, you have done tremendous things for our town,” the mayor said. “I’m so grateful for that and I’m so grateful for the progress that we now have as a result of your leadership. I know that you are not going to be far away from us and I hope that you’ll continue to be a champion for the important things that Sayreville deserves.”

To Enriquez, Kilpatrick said, “You have been at every single recreation event, either as a parent, a councilman or both, and a coach. You have served our town extremely well and very proudly. It’s been an honor to sit up here and get involved in so many great discussions. I have to say for people that do not know, Damon has always watched and has been the most fiscally responsible council person that I have seen. He looks at those pennies and he questions every single one of them.

“I still do believe that our town is also much better the progress we’ve made forward with both of you,” she continued. “Hopefully, we’ll continue and you’re not going far either. I know we’re going to see on that blue [athletic] field constantly.”

In his comments, Dalina said, “Over the last three years, it’s been a fun ride from beginning to end. I’ve always had my heart in this and I’ve always tried to do whatever is best for this town. I moved here back in 2014 not expecting to get into politics, but as a Dalina, it’s kind of a rite of passage.

“The [Sayreville Democratic Organization] couldn’t have paired me with a better running mate than Damon,” he continued. “When we first started running, we formed a friendship. Now, over those last three years, we formed a brotherhood. Damon is a fun guy to go out with, have a few beers with and play golf with. He’s a monster on the golf course.

“Everyone up here, it’s been a pleasure working with you. When I teach political science at the college and a state and local government class, it’s said local government should be ran effectively and efficiently. I think that holds true for what we’ve done here in Sayreville. All of us together have worked effectively and efficiently to make sure that this borough is headed in the right direction. This is not my own doing, but my own belief that the borough is better off now than it was three years ago with the work that all of us have done up here.”

Enriquez said, “It is going to be hard to walk away from this. It was a lot of hard work, a lot of feeling, a lot of sentiment went into this. I just want to thank everybody. I only worked with you guys three years, but it was an honor and privilege.”