Richmond to serve as Howell deputy mayor in 2022

HOWELL – Township Councilwoman Pamela Richmond will serve as Howell’s deputy mayor during 2022.

There was no municipal election in Howell in November 2021 and the members of the Township Council will remain the same in 2022: Democratic Mayor Theresa Berger, Democratic Councilman John Bonevich, Republican Councilwoman Evelyn O’Donnell, Republican Councilwoman Suzanne Brennan and Richmond, who is a Republican.

The council held its reorganization meeting on Jan. 4. O’Donnell nominated Richmond to serve as deputy mayor and Brennan seconded the motion.

The vote was along party lines with O’Donnell, Brennan and Richmond voting “yes” on the nomination and Berger and Bonevich voting “no.” The 3-2 vote gave the position to Richmond.

“I just want to thank my Republican councilwomen for supporting me in my endeavor as deputy mayor. I promise, just like I took the oath, to serve the public and do the best I can, and I am looking forward to working with all new appointed people who applied, all the professionals, and even Councilman Bonevich and you, Mayor,” Richmond said.

Following the meeting, Richmond told the Tri-Town News the role of deputy mayor is an honor and means a lot to her.

“Since serving as an elected official, I take the responsibility very serious. I am not a career politician, but love serving my community and those who need help.

“I love raising my family in this community that has so much to offer and grateful for those who served before and laid many of the foundations we can build upon to make our community even better.

“Unfortunately, it wasn’t a unanimous vote, but that’s politics. I am humbled by  the enormous amount of support I received from family, friends and other elected officials.

“My goals are to continue to work with the administration, my peers and the community to move Howell forward during difficult challenges.

“Trenton continues to give mandates, but I want to continue to ensure Howell remains the amazing diverse community it is. We will continue to preserve open space, and grow smart and responsibly.

“While some think change is difficult, I find change refreshing. Proper planning is necessary for the success and growth of our community, realizing one size does not fit all. I feel 2022 will be productive and an exciting year,” Richmond said.