Arnone anticipates busy year in Monmouth County

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season spent with friends and family members.

As we get deeper into the winter months, I want to assure our residents the Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering has been preparing for inclement weather for months and is ready to serve at a moment’s notice.

The county held its annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 6. At the meeting, I had the honor of once again being appointed to serve as the director of the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners, for the seventh time.

I am grateful my colleagues have appointed me to continue serving in this role for the fourth year in a row.

I look forward to continuing to serve all the residents of this great county, as well as continuing to work on the upcoming year’s budget to ensure we continue providing a high level of services to our residents while keeping costs low.

While I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving as director, Monmouth County would not see the success it does without the hard work of the entire board working together as a team. My fellow commissioners are a hardworking group of individuals who want the best for our residents.

In addition to serving as director, I will continue to serve as liaison to the departments of Public Works and Engineering, Public Information, Tourism, Economic Development, the Office of Shared Services, the Monmouth County Improvement Authority, the Shade Tree Commission and Monmouth County SCAT, among other divisions.

I would like to congratulate Commissioner Sue Kiley on her re-election to the board. I would also like to congratulate Maureen Raisch on her election to serve her first term as Monmouth County surrogate.

Though Rosemarie Peters will be greatly missed, Monmouth County is in great hands with Surrogate Raisch.

I look forward to working alongside them, as well as Sheriff Shaun Golden, Clerk Christine Hanlon, Commissioner Lillian Burry, Commissioner Nick DiRocco and Commissioner Ross Licitra to ensure Monmouth County remains a great a place to live and work.

As such, in February I will be holding a State of the County to discuss Monmouth County’s goals, visions and financial status for 2022.

Lastly, I want to congratulate everyone who was elected to serve their communities at both the state and municipal levels. We thank them for making that tremendous commitment to serving the residents of Monmouth County.

As always, it is a privilege to serve as your commissioner director.

Tom Arnone
Commissioner Director
Monmouth County
Freehold Borough