Opinion: Lawrence Hopewell Trail is attractive for visitors

During a recent trip to Pennington to visit my mother, I was able to see the drastic improvements which have been made to the Lawrence Hopewell Trail system since moving to California several years ago. Great job connecting open space options with the thousands of people who enjoy living in this unique area.

I also hiked every day in Washington Crossing State Park and went up and down the canal path found in the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Parks, which even allows you to cross the Delaware River via the new I-95 Scudder Falls Bridge walkway. Bravo – Mercer and Bucks counties connected.

Now all you need to do is connect the Lawrence Hopewell Trail to these other historic New Jersey state park gems. Quality of life in the area will be unprecedented, property values will go up, and the dumb New Jersey jokes will be cast aside.

The people behind the Lawrence Hopewell Trail deserve a round of applause. Get the other pieces connected, electric bike sales will soar, and people like me will look forward to our next visit.

Christopher E. Sickels
Hopewell Valley Central High School Class of 1983
San Diego, California