Opinion: Now is the time to support Girl Scouts as they support North Brunswick community

Girl Scouts have been around in the New/North Brunswick area since early in the start of the Girl Scout movement in 1912. Many in the community can attest to being part of a troop or even leading a troop in North Brunswick years or even decades ago.

At the beginning of COVID, the Girl Scouts of NNB lost their meeting places with schools, and due to the Girl Scout structure (vs. the Boy Scouts of America with sponsors being a part of their charter) they lost funding as well. Girl Scouts rely solely on cookie funds to fund their troops, unless a business or person steps forward with a donation.

We reach a time that our area is hopefully entering a more endemic stage of what has been a pandemic, and the Girl Scouts of NNB hope to rebuild troops and come out of this stronger than ever.

With that, we want to help rebuild our community up as well and one of the places that needs our help after Tropical Storm Ida in September 2021 is the North Brunswick Food Bank. We have partnered over the past few months to stock Thanksgiving items, holiday dessert items, and now something to brighten their day: birthday bags, which includes cake mix with non-egg/oil ingredients, happy birthday signs, frosting, candles, a gender-neutral toy and icing with sprinkles.

For February we will also be partnering with Meals on Wheels for an “adopt a grandparent” for Valentine’s Day and many more things down the road for 2022.

Girl Scouts is about teaching girls courage and confidence, while making the world a better place. And what better place to start “making the world better” than in your own community.

We have new partnerships and connections with not only North Brunswick’s Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services, but with our police and volunteer firefighters, the North Brunswick Humane Association and the Adams Athletic Club, which has been hosting troop meetings for free for the troops at their location off Cozzens Lane as the temperature began to drop below freezing.

The Girl Scouts of NNB are hoping to make the world a better place, one can of soup or box of cookies at a time.

For more information, visit or on Instagram follow @GirlScoutsofNNBrunswick.

Tanya Hughes

Girl Scouts of New/North Brunswick