Jewish Center celebrates Jewish disabilities, inclusion during February

Jewish Disabilities, Awareness, and Inclusion Month is acknowledged by Jewish organizations around the world in February, including at The Jewish Center in Princeton.

The Jewish Center has taken additional actions to include those living with disabilities who would like to attend services and events in person or by Zoom, according to information provided by the center.

In August 2021, The Jewish Center completed construction on a new bimah where members read the Torah during services. This new bimah is now handicap-accessible for those with wheelchairs, walkers or other mobility issues.

“We are incredibly excited to be able to offer assistance for those who need,” Joel Berger, executive director, said in the statement. “We strive to be welcoming and inclusive to all, and with all of these wonderful changes in motion, we are closer to reaching that goal.”

They are also offering preferred seating in the sanctuary for those with wheelchairs, walkers, visual or hearing impairments or other special needs.

Additionally, for those who need visual assistance, they are now offering large print prayer books, magnifiers and reading glasses.

The Jewish Center is also in the process of setting up assistive listening devices for those with hearing impairments.

One room in the building will soon be available as a low sensory stimulation area as well as a Play Pray Space in the Youth Lounge for children. The Play Pray Space will display services for the parents while also providing books, toys and puzzles for children, according to the statement.

New accommodations for those with sensory needs will soon be certified by KultureCity, a leading nonprofit helping businesses and organizations become accommodating and accepting of those with sensory needs, according to the statement.

In addition to the new accommodations being made around the building, The Jewish Center Women, an organization through The Jewish Center, have also invited speaker, advocate and comedian Pamela Rae Schuller to present “What Makes Me Tic: Inclusion Through Comedy and Storytelling” over Zoom. Schuller will speak at 8 p.m. Feb. 22. She herself has Tourette syndrome.

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