Metuchen elementary school certified by

METUCHEN – Campbell Elementary School has been named a School of Character by is a worldwide network that empowers people of all ages to practice and model the ethical core values that shape our hearts, minds and choices, according to its mission statement.


This year, 77 state schools and two districts of character were named, including 16 in New Jersey.


“We are thrilled to be recognized as a 2022 State School of Character. Receiving this honor is no easy feat, as it requires schools to complete an intense application highlighting work in’s 11 principles. Our staff works extremely hard day-in and day-out educating the whole child, promoting good character, citizenship and students’ social-emotional well-being,” Assistant Principal Brooke Kirschner said in an interview.

“I’m happy was able to see their hard work come to life through the application. Campbell was initially certified as a State and National School of Character in 2017, so our application had to show growth, reflection and outreach to other schools since our previous designation. We will be evaluated at the national level next month, and will find out if we receive the designation as a National School of Character in May,” she said.


Each year, certifies schools and districts at the state level that demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate, according to the statement.

Schools and districts announced on Feb. 1 will be considered for’s highest distinction: National School of Character.

“We are excited to announce today the 2022 State Schools and Districts of Character,” Dr. Arthur Schwartz,’s president, said in the statement. “Each of these schools and districts have put into place a comprehensive initiative that equips and empowers their staff to is a worldwide network that empowers people of all ages to practice and model the ethical core values that shape our hearts, minds and choices of their students.”


The 2022 National Schools of Character will be announced in May and honored at the International Forum next fall.