Englishtown municipal website remains down

ENGLISHTOWN – Officials in Englishtown are working to restore the municipal website after it went offline.

The status of the borough’s website (http://www.englishtownnj.com/) was discussed during a recent Borough Council meeting.

According to Councilman Dan Marter, the municipal website has been down since Jan. 24. At the time, the website was hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Marter said he had spoken with representatives of AWS and HostGator regarding the website. He said he purchased a new website from HostGator and the website is being transferred from AWS to HostGator.

Marter said he used his personal credit card for the website purchase. He informed his fellow council members that he needed a separate card from the borough to maintain the purchase because otherwise, he would continually be charged for keeping the website up.

“I need a separate credit card or something else to get (the website) off my name,” the councilman said.

Mayor Thomas Reynolds said he would have Marter’s card taken off and said his card would be set up for the website’s invoices.

In response to a question posed by Councilman Eric Mann, Marter said he expects HostGator to provide better service than AWS.

“They are like an actual company,” Marter said. “They don’t do purchase orders, they don’t work in dinosaur ages. They need credit cards, put people behind it.”

As of Feb. 3, the municipal website remains offline.