Freehold Township police will have improved shooting range

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – A project to improve a shooting range that is used by the members of the Freehold Township Police Department has been deemed complete by municipal officials.

On Feb. 8, the members of the Township Committee accepted the project and authorized a final payment for the police shooting range improvements. The contract for the improvements was awarded to Meggitt Training Systems in December 2020.

According to a resolution, the contract was originally in the amount of $330,660. A subsequent increase of $8,077 brought the final total to $338,737.

Director of Facilities Thomas Muh advised the governing body the improvements to the shooting range inside police headquarters had been completed.

In other business, committee members authorized the execution of a contract with Jobs4Blue for the coordination of police officers’ off-duty employment when the officers perform police-related activities.

According to a resolution, Freehold Township uses a police officer scheduling system produced by VCS Human Capital Management for the scheduling of police officers. Jobs4Blue is a subsidiary of VCS Human Capital Management.

Under the terms of the contract, Jobs4Blue will provide the service for the off-duty work to include all scheduling, as well as the collection of fees due to Freehold Township by charging outside organizations who request the service an administrative fee of 8% of the costs charged and paid to the township.

The service will be provided at no cost to the township, according to the resolution.

Finally, committee members authorized the Monmouth County Mosquito Control Division to conduct aerial mosquito control operations in Freehold Township. A resolution was required as consent from Freehold Township for Monmouth County to perform the operations.