Edison Planning Board may consider four properties along Route 27 as areas in need of redevelopment

EDISON – The Planning Board has been charged to take a look at four properties along Route 27 to determine if the areas are qualified as areas in need of redevelopment.

The properties include an acupuncture business at 2080 Route 27 next to a vacant diner at 2068 Route 27 across the street from Pines Manor; a vacant residence at 2 Schuyler Dr. across the street from Festival Plaza; and the vacant furniture store at 1810 Route 27 at the corner of Plainfield Avenue.

The Edison Township Council voted to approve the resolution authorizing and directing the Planning Board to conduct a preliminary investigation of the properties at a meeting on Feb. 9.

Township Attorney William Northgrave said a planner will perform a study to investigate whether the properties meet any of the eight criteria under the state Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.

The site must meet one or more of the following criteria, which include unsafe, dilapidated or obsolescent buildings and/or the abandonment of a building, to be designated, according to the law.

A redevelopment area may include land, buildings or improvements which of themselves are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, but the inclusion of which is found necessary, with or without change in their condition, for the effective redevelopment of the area of which they are a part, according to the law.

The Planning Board will then adopt a resolution recommending the council to consider or not the properties as areas in need of redevelopment, Northgrave said.