Matawan council adopts ordinances to fund improvements

MATAWAN – Members of the Borough Council have adopted two bond ordinances that will fund local improvements in 2022.

During a meeting on March 1, Borough Council President Brian Livesey, Councilwoman Stephanie Buckel, Councilwoman Deana Gunn and Councilman Charles Ross all voted “yes” on two separate motions to adopt ordinances 22-01 and 22-02.

Ordinance 22-01 will appropriate $4 million to provide various water and sewer utility improvements. Matawan will issue $3.8 million in bonds/notes to finance a portion of the costs, with the remainder of the appropriation coming from other sources.

Ordinance 22-02 will appropriate $1.07 million for Matawan’s road improvement program. Matawan will issue $883,000 in bonds/notes to finance a portion of the costs. Included in the appropriation is a $150,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation to assist in financing the projects.

According to Borough Administrator Scott Carew, municipal officials are working to complete these projects in 2022: Cedar Street; Oak Street; Washington Street (Liberty to Robert); Harding Street (Liberty to Grant); Center Street (Main to Broad); Johnson Avenue (Little to Terminus); Sapphire Lane; the Spring Street viaduct; Sanitary Sewer Inspections and Repairs throughout the borough; Outfall Repairs (Aberdeen Road and Spring Street); parking lot for relocated Matawan Police Department; and crack seal and line striping throughout the borough.

Carew said the bond ordinances provide a cost-effective way to tackle utility repairs and road repairs.

“It is far more cost-effective to address water and sewer utility repairs when reconstructing the road that covers those utilities. That is why we began splitting the costs of the road program between the general fund and the utility fund,” Carew said.