Cohen steps down from Hillsborough Township Committee due to COVID-19 health issues

More changes are beginning to arise on the Hillsborough Township Committee with Committeemen Steve Cohen announcing on March 14 that he was resigning from his position on the board effective immediately.

In a press release sent out by the township, a statement from Cohen’s resignation letter was used to reveal that he was leaving his post on the committee due to his recent long battle with COVID-19.

“This is a sad day for me. Unfortunately, as a result of work responsibilities and an ongoing battle with long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, I’ve decided to resign my position from the Township Committee,” Cohen said. “I realize that my health has to be a top priority.”

Cohen’s resignation comes on the heels of Committeeman Frank DelCore announcing two weeks ago that he would not run for a sixth term on the committee when his recent three-year term ends later this year.

Last year, Committeewoman Olivia Holmes stepped down from her position on the committee because of her own long-term battles with COVID-19. This resulted in Democratic candidate Jeffrey Wright being voted on the committee as her replacement for the remainder of 2021.

In accordance with vacancy law, the municipal committee of the political party, in this case, the Republican Party, shall present the names of three individuals to the Township Committee as nominees to fill the vacancy within 15 days. The committee then has 30 days to make their selection and fill the vacancy.

Cohen was elected to the committee in November by his peers in the Hillsborough community, along with Mayor Shawn Lipani, making all five members on the committee Republican.

“We thank Mr. Cohen for his willingness to serve and wish him continued health,” Lipani said in a statement.

During an interview with on March 15, Cohen commented on his time on the committee, saying he loved working with the great people who are currently working for the township.

“I was glad I was able to be a part of it,” Cohen said about his time on the committee. “I wish I could have stuck around longer, but unfortunately I couldn’t.

Cohen has been a Hillsborough resident for over the last 23 years. He currently works as a facilities manager at Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in Jersey City.