Sayreville school audit garners one comment about student activity fund

SAYREVILLE – A corrective action plan has been prepared by the Sayreville School District in response to a finding in the 2020-21 school year’s audit.

On March 15, the Board of Education approved the annual comprehensive financial report for the 2020-21 school year and the recommendations within. The fiscal year covered by the audit ended on June 30, 2021.

In accordance with state law, the governing body of every municipality and school district must conduct an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions. The school district’s audit was conducted by Suplee, Clooney & Company.

According to district administrators, the audit had one recommendation in the subject of student body activities. The recommendation was that all deposits in the student activity fund be made in a timely manner.

For the corrective action plan, district administrators said the principal will ensure all funds collected are submitted and placed in the safe in the main office on the day the funds are collected. In addition, the principal will ensure a secondary person will facilitate deposits to the bank in the absence of the student activity fund coordinator.

The principals are responsible for implementing the corrective action plan, according to district administrators. The corrective action plan is expected to be implemented by April 1.

After approving the audit, board members approved the corrective action plan for 2020-21.