Somerset County Park Commission announces program to reduce plastic waste on golf courses

As part of its commitment to protect natural environments the Somerset County Park Commission has been entrusted with, plastic water bottles will no longer be passed out on county golf courses.

Each course has been outfitted with filtered water dispensers, and golfers are encouraged to bring reusable, non-glass bottles and fill up before they head out onto the course.


“So many of our courses are along waterways and are home to many different kinds of wildlife, and to properly enjoy being outside for a round of golf we all share an obligation to protect that environment,” Somerset County Commissioner Paul Drake, liaison to the Park Commission, said in a prepared statement. “The policy reducing the use of plastic water bottles on our courses will mean less litter, a safer environment for wildlife, and a better experience on the course.”


The decision to no longer distribute plastic water bottles at county golf courses comes at a time when the environmental impact of plastic has become clear. The State of New Jersey will ban plastic bags at retail and food establishments beginning May 4 to reduce unsightly litter, choking and other hazards to local marine and wildlife, and the release of chemicals harmful to human health through burning or photodegradation.


“From the Environmental Education Center to our public gardens to our golf courses, the Somerset County Park Commission is committed to not only protecting the environment but educating the public on actions they can take to make a difference,” Somerset County Park Commission Secretary-Director Geoffrey Soriano said in the statement. “Our policy to discontinue handing out plastic water bottles on the golf courses fits within this commitment to protecting the natural world Somerset County residents have entrusted us with.”


For locations, directions, and tee time scheduling for the Somerset County Park Commission’s golf courses, visit