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Spotswood adopts ordinance to redevelop nearly 60 acres of property on Main Street

SPOTSWOOD – On April 4, members of the Spotswood Borough Council voted “yes” to an ordinance that authorizes the redevelopment of the recently closed Schweitzer-Mauduit International plant on 85 Main St.

The ordinance establishes a redevelopment plan that will repurpose seven parcels of land totaling 59.56 acres. According to plan documents, the repurposed area would feature a mixture of enclosed warehouses, self-storage facilities, distribution centers, and office buildings.

In addition, scientific laboratories and manufacturing facilities are also listed. However, these establishments are only eligible if certain safety requirements and environmental protocols are met.

The plan specifically prohibits the use of land for residential properties, waste facilities, salvage yards, slaughterhouses, landfills, blast furnaces, toxic storage, and adult-themed businesses, such as strip clubs and go-go bars.

According to plan documents, the redevelopment aligns with the Borough of Spotswood Master Plan, which aims to transform obsolete properties into functional spaces.

The document states, “This Redevelopment Plan supports the following Master Plan goals: To redevelop land occupied by obsolete commercial structures. To guide future development and/or redevelopment of land within the borough so as to incorporate new construction without undue disruption to Spotswood’s established character. To preserve and continue the promotion of a balanced variety of residential, commercial, public, recreation and conservation land uses.”

According to Business Administrator Ryan Michelson, the Planning Board will review site plan submissions for the redevelopment area.

“At this time, there have not been any site plan submissions made for the redevelopment. Once submissions are made, we can set a future date for review by the Planning Board,” Michelson said.