East Windsor holds kickoff for 2022 Community Garden

Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members David Russell, Alan Rosenberg and John Zoller, along with Health Advisory Board Chairperson Nancy Toledo and community garden participants, celebrated the kickoff for the 2022 Community Garden located in Disbrow Hill Park, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park.

“We are excited to launch a new year of our successful community garden, another initiative in our township’s commitment to green sustainable efforts. The popular community garden, which provides residents the opportunity to grow their own fresh produce, offers unique benefits and educational opportunities to residents to learn basic agricultural principles, have fun and connect with their neighbors,” Mironov said a prepared statement.

Launched in 2016, the community garden is comprised of 20 plots. The garden provides an opportunity for residents to rent a plot of land to plant fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers of their choosing while also providing an activity families, friends or individuals can enjoy outdoors.

Community gardens connect residents to nature, create opportunities for people to engage in their food system, and provides a meeting place where community members of varying backgrounds can come together to share experiences and knowledge, according to the statement.

The Community Garden represents another example of East Windsor’s proactive sustainable initiatives, according to the statement. The township achieved Sustainable Jersey Silver Level Certification in 2015, 2018 and again in 2021 for a host of green initiatives including creation of a Green Team, community outreach programs, emergency communications planning, municipal on-site solar system, farmland preservation plans, sustainable land use pledge, business recognition programs, open space preservation, environmental assessment ordinance, green grounds and maintenance policy, pest management, community recycling/paper shredding events, backyard composting program, and “Cut it and Leave it” program, according to the statement.