New Princeton Community Housing trustees are affiliated with Penn Medicine Princeton Health


Princeton Community Housing’s (PCH) two new trustees are healthcare executives with Penn Medicine Princeton Health. Jacqueline Kavouras is a registered nurse and currently serves as vice president of Population Health Management, and James Demetriades is the CEO.

There is an important link between healthcare and housing. Both issues have special resonance at this moment – COVID-19 has raised new economic challenges for many within our community, according to a statement provided by PCH.

Historically, the high cost of housing has forced working-class families to make tradeoffs between basic necessities such as food, transportation and health care. This is particularly the case in Princeton where the cost of housing is so high, according to the statement.

Income determines where people live. Wealthy communities have high-quality public education, jobs, healthy food, medical care, and transportation. Those living in an affordable home that is part of a nurturing community can more easily prioritize their health, according to the statement. When we develop affordable homes in Princeton, people of all socioeconomic levels can access the same resources.

For more information about PCH and to meet the other trustees, visit