Curriculum fair returns to South River School District

SOUTH RIVER – After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the South River School District will host its curriculum fair on May 26.

From 5-7 p.m., members of the community can visit South River High School to participate in an educational showcase of the entire district.

With all grade levels represented, visitors will have the opportunity to meet educators, learn about school programs, and see an array of student displays/performances. In addition, the district’s Art Show will be held in the middle school cafetorium in conjunction with the fair.

Superintendent of Schools Sylvia Zircher explained that the event will inform visitors about academic opportunities and celebrate the achievements of South River students. For parents and guardians, the event will also demonstrate how the district utilizes the curriculum.

“The purpose of the event is to showcase and highlight all of the school district’s programs and opportunities. Student work will be displayed, performances will take place, and many of our clubs such as robotics, will highlight their activities. In the auditorium, groups of students will perform songs from this year’s school plays, shows, and concerts.

“Attendees can expect to walk through a gallery of student work samples, posters and displays showcasing the many learning opportunities available to our students. It is a day dedicated to celebrating our students’ accomplishments and talents.

“Parents will have an opportunity to see how the curriculum is implemented and the types of learning activities students engage in at school.,” Zircher said.

With the last event occurring in 2019, Zircher encouraged the entire community to attend the fair in support of students and teachers.

“We encourage our entire community to come to this event. It really is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our programs and curriculum. Together we can recognize our students and teachers and help them see how much we value their dedication to learning and school!” Zircher said.