Opinion: Hopewell Borough representatives support Mackie’s re-election

We write to ask that you join us in supporting our colleague, neighbor and friend, Councilman David Mackie on June 7 and re-elect him to another term on Borough Council in Hopewell Borough.
This endorsement crosses party lines and represents our combined confidence, support and, above all, our thanks for Dave’s years of hard work for our town.
Whether it is late nights representing us on the Planning Board, working on our Master Plan, guiding us on redevelopment, open space and stormwater, or his expertise with our water utility, Dave has been front and center in doing the work to keep our town running, welcoming and affordable.
One of the biggest issues we face as a small town is the increasingly high cost of purchasing about half of our drinking water from an outside source – David’s guidance and work on a proposed new public well is poised to have a significant payoff for our residents, and frankly, his hard work is far from done.
He listens, does his homework and brings an experience and even hand that we cannot easily replace.
Tuesday, June 7, is the Democratic Primary election in Hopewell Borough. All registered Democrats and unaffiliated voters who come to the polls that day and declare party affiliation can vote. Two seats on the council will be decided this year, and while we are excited that two other excellent candidates are engaged in the process of volunteering for one of them, we ask that your vote for one of the two open seats go to the dedicated incumbent, David Mackie.
Paul Anzano
Sky Morehouse
Chris Fossel 
Ryan Kennedy
Samara McAuliffe
Debra Stuhler
Hopewell Borough
The writers are the current mayor, council president and elected governing body of Hopewell Borough, but write in their personal capacities, and not on behalf of any board, body or organization.