Photo courtesy of Hopewell Township

Rosso to lead Hopewell Township Police Department as new chief

Hopewell Township has a new police chief as Lt. James Rosso has been tapped to lead the department following the resignation of former Police Director Robert Karmazin.

Rosso was promoted to chief of police at a Township Committee meeting on May 16.

The five-member committee unanimously voted to approve Rosso’s appointment as the township’s next chief.

“I am honored to be given this opportunity and privileged to lead the men and women of the Hopewell Township Police Department and serve the Hopewell Valley community. I grew up surrounded by great role models, my family in particular, who loved and dedicated themselves to this noble profession,” Rosso said in his remarks on May 16.

According to the township, Rosso is a fourth generation police officer. Rosso’s father retired as deputy warden of the Hunterdon County Jail and his grandfather and great-grandfather were also police chiefs.

“In 1999, I was given a shot and started my career in law enforcement from there I have had a pleasure of working with a tremendous number of knowledgeable mentors who guided me along the way,” Rosso said.

He stressed to the community that he looks forward to fostering and building upon the established relationships and wants to encourage new partnerships.

“I’m excited about what is in store for community engagements and anticipate many opportunities to build trust and respect amongst the community and Hopewell Township Police Department,” Rosso said. “I will continue to be transparent and strive to provide the highest standards of customer service that you deserve. To the fine men and women of the police department, I’m excited to bring some energy and optimism and opportunity for my team.”

Rosso was sworn in by Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning.

“I want to provide my officers with the chance to learn, grow and approach each day with poise and conviction. I want them to be excited to come to work and make a difference,” Rosso said.

Of his 23 years in law enforcement, Rosso served 19 in Hopewell, rising from patrol officer to sergeant to lieutenant.

Before his time as a Hopewell Township officer, Rosso served in the Hunterdon County Sheriff’s Office and as an officer in Lambertville.

He holds a bachelor’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in criminal justice with a specialization in public administration.

Karmazin resigned to take a position in the private sector. He submitted his resignation on March 21 and his last day was May 15.

When Karmazin was appointed police director in November 2020, the position of police director was only temporary after the governing body had previously adopted an ordinance establishing the position.

Karmazin’s time as director would end following two years in the position.

Peters-Manning said she has full confidence in Rosso as the township’s next police chief, a position previously held by former Police Chief Lance Maloney before Karmazin was appointed police director.

“Chief Rosso is a strong leader with a forward-looking vision for the police department. His track record of conflict resolution, passion for mentorship and community engagement, and his innovative ideas will continue to move the Hopewell Township Police Department forward,” she said in a prepared statement. “The rest of the Township Committee and I are looking forward to working with him and seeing him implement his vision and leadership in his new role.”

The Hopewell Township Police Department serves not only Hopewell Township residents, but also Hopewell Borough residents.