Hillsborough invites all military personnel to breakfast, parade on Memorial Day

For the past 16 years the Hillsborough community has come together to honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans during the annual Salute to Veterans Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade and Garden of Honor Commemoration Program.

For 2022, Hillsborough is changing the name of the program to the Salute to Military Service Breakfast.

“Plans are well underway for the Salute to Military Service Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade and Commemoration Program. Save the date, Saturday, May 28, as we come together to honor all military service personnel, past and present for their sacrifices. Additionally, non-profit, community based organizations are invited to register to march in the parade,” Mayor Shawn Lipani said in a prepared statement.

“Oftentimes, folks associate the term veteran with combat duty. We have decided to change the name to include the entire military community, past and present,” Lipani added when asked about the name change.

“All township military service personnel are invited to participate in the Salute to Military Service Breakfast, followed by the parade and garden of honor ceremony,” he continued in the statement.

Guests can register for the breakfast by calling the Recreation Department or visiting the Parks and Recreation website and follow the “Register for Activities” link on the homepage.

The breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. and will be held May 28, rain or shine.

The parade begins at 10 a.m. and, as in years past, will be led by Hillsborough Township’s military service personnel.

The Garden of Honor ceremony will immediately follow the parade.

Rain date for the parade and ceremony will be Sunday, May 29.

Additionally, Hillsborough youth based organizations and local non-profit charitable organizations are invited to participate in the parade and can register to march by contacting the Recreation Department. No political organizations or associated political organizations are eligible to march with the exception of current elected officials.

All groups are encouraged to provide floats representing their organization.

“Mark your calendars and help us honor our military service personnel on May 28,” Lipani said in the statement.