North Brunswick Woman’s Club member receives organization’s first Holland award

NORTH BRUNSWICK – The North Brunswick Woman’s Club received many accolades at the 128th annual convention of the New Jersey State Federation of Woman’s Clubs (NJSFWC), held at the Tropicana casino in Atlantic City.

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club earned first place for their Newsletter (3 to 4 page category) and club member Joyce Dreger earned first place for a poem she wrote about the pandemic.

In addition, club member Laura Pelszynski received the Cecilia Gaines Holland award. Established in 1944, the Cecilia Gaines Holland award is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a New Jersey clubwoman. Named after the second president of the NJSFWC, the prestigious award is given annually to one clubwoman in the state who demonstrates her commitment to her community by performing outstanding civic and volunteer work that extends above and beyond her service to her club. The recipient is recognized for her “unselfish and outstanding civic achievements, untiring volunteer service and devotion to her community and state.”

This is the first time in North Brunswick club history that a clubwoman has been recognized with this award.

The North Brunswick Woman’s Club follows the motto “joined together making a difference.” The club supports Operation Chillout, helping veterans; Pinwheels for Prevention, raising awareness of child abuse and prevention; emergency services; and graduating North Brunswick students by providing scholarships.

Membership is open to all North Brunswick women.

For more information, email [email protected] or follow the club on Facebook.

  • This information was provided by the North Brunswick Woman’s Club.