Hopewell Township not immune to increased cases of COVID-19

COVID-19 cases are increasing once again in Hopewell Township and throughout the state.

Township Health Officer Dawn Marling warned the public and Hopewell Township Committee members on May 16 that weekly reported cases had doubled since early April.

“That is expected to be the tip of the iceberg. As we know, there are a lot of home tests that we never hear about,” Marling said. “What that really means is that at any given setting that there is a pretty high likelihood that you are going to pass someone who is COVID positive and may not know it, because people can spread COVID-19 prior to any symptoms.”

A May 20 township COVID-19 update stressed that more people are transmitting the virus, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) moving 10 counties to high on their community level index.

According to the latest reporting period of township’s COVID-19 trends, the township, from April 23 to May 6, had 56 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The 56 confirmed cases in that period were a 12-case increase from the period of April 9-22.

“The recommendation is that when you are in an indoor public setting wear a high quality mask and especially if you are at high risk of severe illness to avoid crowded settings entirely. And to please be sure you are up-to-date on your recommended vaccinations,” Marling said.

The New Jersey Department of Health has Mercer County in the high activity level category for COVID-19, as of the latest CALI report on May 14.

Statewide confirmed cases have increased from 2,729 from April 30 to 4,417 cases as of May 24.