Opinion: Pennington Day was hot, and so is action on climate

How does a large block of ice speak volumes? Sitting on the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) banner under the bright sun that shone on the Pennington Day festivities on May 21, just such a shiny block was melting silently, attracting attention without a sound. Children spotted it as an opportunity for a quick cool-down, and adults were reminded of the impacts of global warming. CCL volunteers were happy to speak with visitors about ways that individuals can encourage government action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that warm our climate too much.

These volunteers also polled community members as they strolled down Main Street, asking them how they felt about climate change. The six choices offered ranged from “Dismissive” to “Alarmed.” Folks of all ages responded, 78% reporting that they were “alarmed” by global warming, and 20% reporting that they were concerned. Only 2% were dismissive of the issue.

Hardships for farming and gardening, increasingly violent storms, and rising ocean levels were cited as cause for alarm, along with plenty of remarks about that day’s record-high temperature.

Most people in our area seem to be well aware that we’re already experiencing global warming right here and now, and they want to transition to clean energy as soon as possible. You are encouraged to contact the president and your Washington representatives to urge government action on climate change. The CCL website, citizensclimatelobby.org, has lots of information and provides easy links for contacting our federal representatives.


Callie Hancock