Health group will continue to provide services to Freehold Borough schools

FREEHOLD – Administrators in the Freehold Borough K-8 School District have renewed an agreement with a health provider to ensure the health and well-being of the district’s pupils is maintained.

During a meeting on May 23, Board of Education members authorized the renewal of an agreement with the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group (VNAHG). The agreement was initially approved for the 2019-20 school year.

Through the board’s recent action, the VNAHG will continue to provide nurse practitioner services in Freehold Borough during the 2022-23 school year.

Freehold Borough was a successful applicant to the integrated health impact program to provide nurse practitioner services to pupils beginning in 2019-20. The health services are available to all pupils from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade, according to district administrators.

Services will be paid for by the United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties and the board agreed to provide matching grant funds in the amount of $10,000 to continue the program, according to a resolution.

The VNAHG will provide advance practice nurses for a maximum of 11 hours per week on school premises, providing healthcare services to pupils, maintenance of records and record keeping for services provided, providing workers compensation coverage and liability and malpractice insurance coverage for VNAHG employees, and ensure staff are licensed and qualified to provide the qualified services, and providing regular and periodic billing for services provided.

Healthcare services the VNAHG will provide include performing a limited number of school entry physicals; sports physicals and work physicals; assessment and episodic care for children as approved by a parent or guardian; teaching about medication and self-care; consultation with parents, staff and/or faculty regarding student health issues; and collaborating with other health professionals, according to the resolution.

The school district will provide a list of children needing services, providing support on days of operation, assuring appropriate liability coverage for its employees and facilities, and providing appropriate areas in the school for the provision of services.

There will not be any charge to pupils for the services provided. Although the services are sponsored by the United Way, the VNAHG may bill Medicaid for services provided to students. The VNAHG and school district administrators agreed the nurse practitioner’s time will be provided at no cost to the district.