Bordentown Township Committee eyes vacant Old Mill Restaurant property for new municipal complex

The Bordentown Township Committee is looking at designing part of the new municipal complex at the vacant Old Mill Restaurant property on Farnsworth Avenue.

The Bordentown Township Committee introduced an ordinance authorizing the purchase of the property at a meeting in May.

The owner of the property at 765 Farnsworth Avenue offered the property to the township for $410,000, according to the ordinance.

The committee also introduced an ordinance that would bond $20 million for various long-term capital improvements including a 40-year bond totaling $500,000 for the acquisition of the property on Farnsworth and a 30-year bond totaling $17.5 million for the planning, design and construction of a new municipal complex including furniture, fixtures and equipment.

In 2020, the township committee previously looked at eight acres of land on 240 Crosswicks Road for a new municipal building; however, public dissent “stopped the process completely,” Bordentown Township Mayor Stephen Benowitz had said at the time.

The current municipal building is located at 266 Crosswicks Road.

Other long-term capital projects in the bond include a 10-year bond totaling $1.4 million for various road and street improvements; a 15-year bond totaling $250,000 for acquisition of Public Works equipment; a 15-year bond totaling $250,000 for improvements to parks and recreational facilities and a 10-year bond totaling $50,000 for capital maintenance and improvements to township facilities and buildings.

The ordinances have been introduced and will be open for public hearings at a committee meeting on June 13.