Examiner On Campus, June 22

Taeho Kang of Cream Ridge has graduated from Buffalo State College, Buffalo, N.Y., with a Bachelor of Science in business administration in Spring 2022. Taeho has been named to the Spring 2022 dean’s list.

Brenna McCormick of Cream Ridge, a member of the Class of 2024 at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass., has been named to the dean’s list during the spring semester of the 2021-22 academic year.

Riley Maffia of Allentown has been named to the Spring 2022 dean’s list at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I.

The University of Delaware, Newark, Del., has named the following area residents to the dean’s list for the Spring 2022 semester: Samantha Slimowicz of Allentown, Alyssa Stagnitti of Allentown, Lauren Frascella of Allentown, Olivia Kelly-Quigley of Allentown, Devon Hoernlein of Allentown, Elena Conti of Allentown, Lauren Stagnitti of Allentown and Shelby Nelson of Cream Ridge.