Princeton police blotter

Someone allegedly altered two checks totaling $39,263.09 from a business account. The suspect successfully deposited one check electronically for $20,131.30 into an unknown bank account, but the second check was flagged as fraudulent. The incident was reported June 14.

A 39-year-old Princeton man was arrested on outstanding warrants from West and East Windsor municipal courts totaling $1,800 after he was stopped by police on Maple Street for allegedly failing to have his car inspected and for having an expired registration June 6. He was processed and released.

Someone allegedly stole a pocketbook from a locked car while it was parked on Spruce Circle between 4-8 p.m. June 14.

An unlocked bicycle was allegedly stolen from a bicycle rack on Walnut Lane between 8 p.m. June 17 and 10 a.m. June 18.

A Carriage Way resident reported that someone allegedly cashed a check for $8,300.76 from a joint bank account June 15. The check was cashed at an unknown ATM.

A Jefferson Road resident reported someone allegedly stole a 3-foot by 5-foot “Thin Blue Line” flag from his front porch and left a phallic-shaped rainbow lollipop in its place June 1.

A Raleigh bicycle that was locked at a Prospect Avenue bicycle rack was reported stolen between 10:30 p.m. June 5 and 6:40 a.m. June 6.

Someone allegedly altered a check from $160 to $20,000 from a U.S. Postal Service mailbox on Palmer Square West and cashed it. The incident was reported June 6.

A Razor electric dirt bike was reported stolen from the back yard of a John Street home between 6-11:55 a.m. June 11.