Hillsborough Township Public Schools begins recruiting phase for new superintendent

The Hillsborough Township Public Schools is entering the recruiting phase of its process to find a new superintendent of schools.

The update was provided by Monica Browne, who represents the search firm of Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates, Ill., that is handling the superintendent search for the school district at a Hillsborough Township Board of Education (BOE) meeting on June 27.

Browne said the search firm completed its engagement phase of conducting community forums and receiving surveys from residents to identify the qualities that Hillsborough is looking for in a superintendent, allowing the firm to now begin recruiting candidates for the superintendent position.

“What we have heard is that Hillsborough needs an instructional leader who truly understands that teaching is the key to the learning process. An operational manager who can ensure that the facilities and finances in the district are in order. An effective communicator who will ensure that stakeholders are aware of issues facing the school district and also eliciting instructive feed on issues in the school district. And a relationship builder who will establish trusting and positive relations with individuals, and organizations, and most importantly, with members of the BOE to create a vision for the future,” she said.

“Those were the main themes that we heard during our focus groups and in the survey. We will be recruiting candidates by using this information and trying to find Hillsborough a perfect fit.”

The firm will be recruiting all summer, Browne said. The official posting for the Hillsborough superintendent position became available June 28. Applicants have until Aug. 15 to apply for the position.

After recruiting and screening prospective candidates, Browne said the firm will come to the BOE on Sept. 12 with a group of six to 10 people that they feel “closely aligned” with the characteristics that were found through its engagement process.

The BOE will then decide which candidates they would like to interview. Interviews are slated to take place on Sept. 17 and 24.

Former Superintendent of Schools, Lisa Antunes, resigned in April after she took a four-month sabbatical. Dr. Kim Feltre has since served the role of acting superintendent of schools.