Sayreville BOE recognizes three educators

SAYREVILLE – Three educators in the Sayreville School district have been recognized for their accomplishments during the 2021-22 school year.

During a recent Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Nicholas Taylor, Rosemarie Griggs and Christine Lawlor were honored for awards they received in 2021-22. Taylor and Griggs were recognized as Exemplary Secondary Educators by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) and Lawlor was recognized among the Teachers Who Make Magic by the radio station Magic 98.3.

Taylor is a telecommunication arts teacher at Sayreville War Memorial High School.

“Mr. Taylor has revitalized our television program by implementing a student-run production called Bombcast and created and facilitated a television communication independent study course,” Supervisor Nina Obryk said. “He has used his unique skills to work on a community outreach project in conjunction with the historical society and has produced videos to introduce the business academy to promote job opportunities within Sayreville and to highlight accomplishments of our BOE.

“Mr. Taylor embraces an inclusive environment for our English language learners and special education students. Mr. Taylor has acted as an unofficial mentor for an at-risk student and successfully motivates students and colleagues by his example. Every child deserves a caring adult who believes in him or her and Mr. Taylor is that person,” Obryk said.

Griggs is an instructional coach at the Sayreville Middle School.

“Mrs. Griggs has worked as a general education ELA [English Language Arts] and an ASI [Academic Support Instruction] reading teacher before becoming an instructional coach for teachers in all content areas,” Obryk said. “In this position, she has established an environment that fosters relationships with teachers built on honesty, confidentiality and integrity.

“Mrs. Griggs produces Coaching Connection, a newsletter offering tips and strategies for staff and hosts Chips and Chat with the Coach sessions, giving teachers the opportunity to ask targeted questions and work one-on-one with her. She initiated the Friday Lucky Duck program to improve the climate and culture of the middle school, where she serves on the SKIP and RTI (Response to Intervention) teams.

“Mrs. Griggs is responsive classroom trained and one of Sayreville University’s most popular presenters. She is the induction coordinator for her building, a position that allows her to influence guide and motivate teachers new to our district,” Obryk said.

Lawlor is an ASI teacher at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School.

“Miss Lawlor volunteers as PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) liaison and serves on her building’s SKIP, RTI and SELL committees,” Obryk said. “She is trained in responsive classroom and is considered to be one of our district experts in this area.

“Miss Lawlor serves as a mentor and as the induction coordinator for her building, where she also revised the bus dismissal process to make it more efficient and effective for students and staff. Miss Lawlor provides supplemental instruction for students through the literacy academy and supervises lunch and recess daily. She conducts trainings for our new teachers as part of our extensive new teacher induction program, as well as professional development workshops for all staff through Sayreville University.

Miss Lawlor’s knowledge and expertise are unmatched, and she is a valued go-to person for colleagues and administration alike, as she is always eager to spearhead initiatives and run with ideas. Miss Lawlor is a lifelong learner a champion of children and an inspiration to everyone who knows her,” Obryk said.