Speed limit on West Delaware Avenue may see reduction to align with county speeds

Pennington Police Department survey says … “Reduce speed limits in borough.”

West Delaware Avenue may soon have a reduced speed limit from Route 31 West to the Hopewell line from 35 miles per hour (mph) to 25 mph.

The ordinance reducing the speed limit was introduced by the Pennington Council on July 5.

A second reading and public hearing for the ordinance is scheduled for the next Council meeting at 7 p.m. on Aug. 1.

“The police department did a survey of all of the speed limits in the borough and coordinated them with the speed limits the county has for county roads,” Council President Kit Chandler said at the meeting.

She noted that the county has the speed limit at 25 mph for its roadway.

“The correct speed is 25 mph. But in order for our officers to enforce that 25 mph we have to have an ordinance,” Chandler said. “The police department has done a remarkable job of all the surveys of the speed limits. We are hoping next month to have similar ordinance for stop-signs and no-turn on red.”

Borough officials are doing some housekeeping to make sure they are able to enforce all of the speed limits and stop signs currently in the borough, she said.

“This is the first step in that,” she said in reference to the ordinance.

With West Delaware Avenue set to be reduced from Route 31 West to the Hopewell Township line, other established speed limits in the ordinance include 25 mph for the entire length of Broemel Place, 30 mph for Green Avenue and 25 mph for Knowles Street, according to the ordinance.