Hopewell resident ‘grateful’ for decrease in property taxes

Americans are experiencing inflation at a 40-year high of 9.1%. This means consumers
will have to spend wisely and save where we can. However, this proves to be difficult with prices at the gas pump remaining high and everyday food costs continuing to rise.

But one thing Hopewell Township residents have going for us is that our property taxes are going down this year by about 2%. This serves as a financial respite for many of us. It is no secret that New Jersey taxes are among the highest in the country. So, for our community to be able to benefit from a decrease in property taxes, while most of the country has increasing rates, it’s safe to say that we are among the lucky ones.

I think it’s important to acknowledge how we got here. First, the Township Committee members, past and present, have worked diligently in seeking to bring in new businesses to our area, specifically the biotech company, BeiGene, who will be moving into the old Hopewell BMS site. This move will not only create new construction jobs and bring new research professionals to our area, but significant financial contributions will be made to our township by BeiGene, leading to lower taxes for our residents. In addition, we are supported by Township Committee actions such as a flat municipal rate, reduced debt, increase ratables and new sources of revenue.

Our current Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning, Committee Member David Chait and other committee members have recently succeeded to bringing these endeavors to fruition, and I applaud them for their leadership. With all our everyday expenses increasing, I am glad that as a resident of Hopewell Township, I can rely on our elected officials to have our back when it comes to keeping our taxes low and our hard-earned dollars in our pockets.

Ron Lagman

Hopewell Township