Pennington developing plan to improve information flow with public

A communications plan is in the works to help improve communications among Pennington’s municipal government, residents and businesses.

Councilwoman Nadine Stern presented a draft of the guiding principles and goals for the plan to fellow members and the public at a council meeting on Aug. 1.

Stern and Councilwoman Kati Angarone are working together on the communications plan.

The principals are to always be transparent, be a credible and accessible information source for residents and businesses, and provide ample opportunity to engage, according to a draft of the principals and goals.

Stern said they are planning to develop more specific goals “around accuracy and currency of the website, what things we should be publishing and where, having a social media presence, how to include the community more in giving us input and also us sharing with [the community].”

As new components of the communications plan come into place over the course of the next several months, Stern and Angarone will share them with Council members as well as hold some community forums to hear from the community.

Specific goals are expected to be out in early fall, Stern said.

She said the principles are about “transparency and making sure that the borough shares information, is credible and accessible to their residents and businesses, provides more opportunity for the community to engage with government officials, committees and staff, and for borough government to hear resident’s interests or concerns.”

Pennington currently has a newsletter and also provides updates to the public on the borough website’s ‘News section’ at