Tinton Falls officials produce affordable housing operating manual

TINTON FALLS – As part of a settlement agreement regarding the borough’s obligation to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing in the community, officials in Tinton Falls have approved an affordable housing operating manual.

During a recent meeting, Borough Council members passed a resolution approving the operating manual for the administration of rental affordable housing units and for sale affordable housing units.

According to the resolution, the creation of an affordable housing manual was required as a condition in a settlement agreement between Tinton Falls and the Fair Share Housing Center, which advocates for affordable housing throughout New Jersey.

The settlement agreement, which was entered into in 2018, established the borough’s third round affordable housing obligation from 1999 to 2025 and the compliance mechanisms that allow Tinton Falls to meet that obligation, according to the resolution.

In 2019, the New Jersey Superior Court entered a third round judgment of compliance and repose, according to the resolution, which provided Tinton Falls with immunity from builder’s remedy litigation through the end of the third round (July 1, 2025). The borough’s spending plan was also approved by the court.

According to the resolution, an affordable housing manual was a requirement of the Superior Court’s judgment. The document was provided by CME Associates, the borough’s administrative agent.

The council’s resolution states it is in the best interest of Tinton Falls to approve the operating manual for the administration of rental affordable housing units and for sale affordable housing units.

In New Jersey, affordable housing is defined as housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals and families whose income meets certain guidelines.

Tinton Falls, like other municipalities in the Garden State, is required to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing within its borders.

According to borough officials, Tinton Falls has met its state constitutional obligation to provide affordable housing from 1987 to 2025.

In other business, council members have authorized a shared services agreement with Eatontown that allows Eatontown to continue to use the Tinton Falls Municipal Court.

Under the terms of the agreement, Eatontown will continue to use the facilities and administrative staff of the Tinton Falls Municipal Court, subject to the approval of the assignment judge of Monmouth County.

Tinton Falls officials have agreed to allow Eatontown to continue to use the borough’s municipal court offices and administrative staff.

According to a resolution, a state statute permits two or more municipalities to provide jointly for courtrooms, chambers, equipment, supplies and employees for their municipal courts, and to agree to appoint the same person to serve as a certified court administrator without establishing a joint municipal court.

The agreement between Eatontown and Tinton Falls regarding the municipal court was previously in place from Aug. 1, 2017 through July 31, 2022. The new agreement will be effective from Aug. 1, 2022 through Dec. 31, 2026.

According to the resolution, Eatontown will pay Tinton Falls a fee of $270,000 in 2022 and the fee will increase by 2.5% annually in each subsequent calendar year.

Eatontown officials previously authorized the continuing municipal court shared services agreement in June.

And, Tinton Falls Borough Council members authorized the purchase of a 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Special Service Vehicle (SSV) with four-wheel drive. The vehicle was purchased from Mall Chevrolet, Cherry Hill, for $46,305. A Chevrolet Tahoe SSV is typically used by law enforcement agencies.

Finally, the council members authorized a contract with T&M Associates, the borough’s engineer, for professional engineering services in an amount not to exceed $24,500. The services are for the third phase of remedial action services at the Department of Public Works, according to a resolution.