Hillsborough’s BoroSAFE to sponsor awareness campaign in recognition of Suicide Prevention Month in September

In recognition of September as Suicide Prevention Month, BoroSAFE is sponsoring an awareness campaign throughout the Hillsborough community.

Hillsborough was declared a stigma-free community in October 2020. This year’s theme is #BeThe1To, created by the Suicide Prevention Lifeline to spread the word about actions everyone can all take to prevent suicide, according to Hillsborough Township officials.

The message is aimed at changing the conversation from suicide-to-suicide prevention, reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues, promoting healing and giving hope.

Local events include:

Sept. 10 – noon to 8 p.m. – prevention live Facebook event.

Sept. 13 – 7:30 p.m. – Hillsborough Township proclamation of Suicide Prevention Month at the Municipal Building, 379 S Branch Road, Hillsborough.

Sept. 28 – 7 p.m. – Promoting Mental Health & Wellness: A webinar for families with children of all ages presented by Minding Your Mind AFSP American Foundation for Suicide.

Date to be determined – Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training sponsored by Empower

Date to be determined – Puppy Noses and Yoga Poses fundraising event

BoroSAFE is a community collaborative with an aim to provide access to mental health resources, emotional well-being best practices and suicide prevention resources across the entire Hillsborough Community.

Its mission is to proactively connect the community with resources surrounding mental health for all community members. And ensuring the entire community is able to work on their emotional well-being, no matter where on the mental health continuum they may fall.

For more information on BoroSAFE and our mission contact [email protected].