State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim Eulner.

A review of the state ethics regulations prohibits using state time, stationary and telephones to be used for political activities. Were tax dollars used to send a partisan polemic?

They described the 2023 state budget as “out of control” pork barrel spending, yet the projects they nitpick about represent 0.04% of the budget.

Outdoor recreation for children is not wasteful, nor is financial support for commuters or the arts. On the contrary, it will generate much needed jobs.

Gov. Phil Murphy’s fiscally responsible plan will not incur additional taxes. On the contrary, it will provide record property tax relief, something we desperately need.

The budget makes New Jersey more affordable, provides needed funding for special education, mental health programs, school construction and upgrades to our roads and bridges.

Unlike the inaccurate statements in the letter, Gov. Murphy’s budget provides the highest level of school funding in New Jersey’s history.

The appropriations bill will provide tax relief of $1,500 to families earning up to $150,000 a year; $1,000 to families earning up to $250,000; and $450 to renters who earn less than $150,000 per year. It adds no new taxes or fees, and includes tax and fee holidays.

Taxes are each citizen’s duty to contribute to society’s greater good. Our elected representatives are there to provide oversight, guidance and accurate representations to the constituents.

Shame on Assemblywoman Piperno and Assemblywoman Euler for their refusal to sign the bill that benefits New Jerseyans, and misrepresenting about why.

Kate Vallee
Freehold Township