Sayreville BOE honors food services district satellite manager set to retire after 25 years

SAYREVILLE – After 25 years in the Sayreville School District, the food services district satellite manager is retiring from her position.

In August, the Board of Education honored the retirement of Karen Sullivan as the district satellite manager. Her retirement will become effective on Jan. 1, 2023.

Sullivan has worked in the district for 25 years and began her career as a cafeteria worker, which led to her serving as the district satellite manager for nine years, according to Superintendent of Schools Richard Labbe,

In her position, Sullivan’s responsibilities included reconciling lunch accounts, running daily reports on the cafeteria point of sale system, making sure certain monies were applied correctly to student accounts and the banking functions related to the food services department, Labbe said.

“Karen Sullivan has been an intricate part of the food services department in our district for the past 25 years,” he said. “She always made herself available for any questions parents may have had concerning lunches or student accounts. Karen performed her job effortlessly and with the utmost professionalism. She has always been regarded as a wonderful co-worker and manager.”

Labbe also noted that Sullivan worked with cafeteria workers at the Sayreville Senior Center and helped prepare and serve meals after Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

“Her kind manner was especially seen when she worked side-by-side with the cafeteria workers at the Senior Center [during] Superstorm Sandy,” he said. “[She] was a familiar and comforting face to many of our students and their families during [Sandy].