Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan’s voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan-
Englishtown Regional School District Board of Education.

David’s priority during his three-year term has been to ensure our schools continue to provide the highest level of education.

He grew up attending public schools in Monmouth County and now works as a well-respected partner at a prestigious law firm, while his wife teaches kindergarten in
another local district.

Together, they have three young children, with two old enough to attend our schools.

He recognizes the need for – and critical importance of – public education to prepare students for success at higher grades and in future careers.

David is a dedicated public servant. In addition to attending regular Board of Education
meetings, he currently chairs a Board of Education subcommittee seeking removal of schools as polling locations as part of continued efforts to tighten security protocols.

He also has served on numerous subcommittees that interviewed for high level staff positions within the district and participated in multiple union negotiations.

Before his election to the Board of Education, he served for three years as an elected
member of the Manalapan Township Committee and appointed terms to Manalapan’s Planning Board and Environmental Commission.

David consistently exhibits the highest degree of ethics and outstanding moral character.

As someone with children who attended the district and a spouse who worked as a teacher in the district, I know David is the best person to continue serving on the Board of Education. I hope you will join me in voting to re-elect him.

Brian Osias