Pennington School displays portion of steel from World Trade Center

A steel piece from the World Trade Center has made its way to The Pennington School, where the steel enclosed in a clear case will be on display at the school for the next year.

The steel portion that had been recovered from the World Trade Center site was delivered to the school on the morning of Sept. 13. 

Across the country on Sept. 11, Americans remembered the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and is the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil when four passenger airliner planes were hijacked by al-Queda, an Islamic terrorist group. Two planes slammed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City and one plane hit the Pentagon building in Washington D.C. Another hijacked plane – Flight 93 – initially headed to Washington D.C., was thwarted by passengers and crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pa.

Deaths continue to rise for civilians and first responders in the aftermath from 9/11 diseases attributed to responding and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site.