Pennington to properly document all stop signs within borough code

As the borough code stands now for stop intersections, the Pennington Police Department essentially cannot enforce 16 stop signs in the borough.

“A stop sign cannot be enforced by the police department if it is not in the ordinance,” Council President Kit Chandler said.

The Pennington Council is amending the borough code for stop intersections that will allow for police department to enforce 16 stop signs not previously documented in the borough code.

Council members will hold a public hearing on the ordinance amending the code on Oct 3. The ordinance was introduced at a council meeting on Sept. 6.

The Pennington Police Department and the Public Safety Committee worked together to identify the stop signs following a thorough review, according to Chandler.

“This was a tremendous amount of work done by the police department and brings every single stop sign we have in the ordinance, which means they can be enforced,” she said. “You can see by the number in the ordinance how much work has gone into this.”

The 16 stop signs to be added in the code are: Academy Avenue, Baldwin Court, Broemel Place, Laning Avenue (westbound), West Welling Avenue (westbound), Crawley Avenue, Hale Street (northbound), Hale Street (southbound), and the intersection [King George Road and Eglantine Avenue King] stop sign on George Road.

Stop signs in the borough code already include signs on Rockwell Green, O’Hanlon Avenue, Park Avenue, Sked Street, West Welling Avenue (westbound), Weidel Drive, and Reading Street.