Aberdeen officials address issues in audit with corrective action plan

ABERDEEN – The members of the Township Council in Aberdeen Township have voted to implement a corrective action plan for discrepancies that were uncovered in the 2021 audit of the municipality’s financial operations.

During a Sept. 15 council meeting, members of the governing body passed a resolution to address and correct the findings.

Mayor Fred Tagliarini, Deputy Mayor Concetta B. Kelley, Councilman Joseph J. Martucci, Councilman Greg Cannon, Councilman Arthur Hirsch, Councilwoman Margaret Montone and Councilman Robert Swindle voted “yes” on a motion to pass the resolution.

An audit conducted by Suplee, Clooney and Company revealed several issues with the township’s financial records in 2021.

According to the council’s resolution, three separate items were flagged. To correct the faults, the resolution lists corrective actions township officials are taking to address each finding:

• According to the first item, interfunds were not closed out as of the end of the year. The auditor’s recommendation was to liquidate all interfunds. Municipal officials said interfunds will be liquidated in a more timely manner.

• According to the second item, bank reconciliations did not always agree to the general ledger at year end and contained several reconciling items that should be cleared throughout the year.

The auditor recommended that bank reconciliations be reconciled to the general ledger on a monthly basis and that these reconciliations only include outstanding checks and deposits in transit. All other items should be cleared on a monthly basis.

Municipal officials said all adjustments are being handled on a timely basis.

• According to the third item, the auditors found over-expenditures in several funds and recommended that appropriations be monitored. Municipal officials said all over-expenditures were funded and said appropriations will be monitored.