Residents support Kanter for reelection for Princeton Public Schools’ Board of Education

We are writing in support of Susan Kanter, who is running for reelection to the Princeton Public Schools’ Board of Education (BOE). Having served alongside Susan on several local boards, we know her to be a deeply conscientious and community-oriented team player.

Susan is a great asset to the school district and greater Princeton community because she is willing to listen to divergent viewpoints, and she strives to foster communication between and amongst different groups. She has long prioritized student health in all of her volunteer work, and on the BOE she has worked tirelessly to support and improve students’ mental health.

As co-chair of the BOE’s Operations Committee, Susan has also focused on the challenge of fixing and maintaining Princeton Public School’s aging facilities while being a good steward of taxpayers’ money. She is, in sum, an exemplary public official, who has much more good work to do on the BOE.

Carrie Elwood, Jennifer Jang, Christina Walden
