Additional roads in Jackson scheduled for paving and improvements

JACKSON – Municipal officials in Jackson have released the names of numerous additional local roads that are scheduled for paving and improvements this fall.

The entire lengths of the following township roads will be resurfaced in the upcoming weeks: High Street, Green Valley Road, Denmark Lane, South Boston Road, Indiero Road, Brentwood Road, Lenape Trail, Chandler Road, Feather Lane, Kacie Lynn Court, West Pleasant Grove, Kevin Court, Cypress Avenue, Gail Chamber Road, Sams Road, Kitay Court, Cobain Road, Chief Showell Drive and Metedeconk Trail. Road repair work will take place on the entire length of Derose Lane, according to a press release from the municipality.

“Over the past four years alone, we have invested more than $6.7 million in road
paving, road repairs and critical infrastructure upgrades,” Mayor Michael Reina said.
“And that figure does not include additional road work being done on county roads that
run through Jackson.

“When we invest in our roads and infrastructure, we invest in our quality of life and in our local economy here in Jackson. That’s why we are continuing our work on this front with 20 additional local roads being freshly resurfaced or repaired in the weeks ahead,” the mayor said.

Each year, Jackson officials invest on average between $1 million and $2 million in
repairs that improve on average 6 to 8 miles of township roads, according to the press release.

This project work not only includes road pavement resurfacing, but also involves
road base pavement repairs, storm water system upgrades, handicap accessibility
upgrades to sidewalk curb ramps and traffic striping/sign upgrades.

On an annual basis, the township has applied grants received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation, averaging about $400,000 per year, to its road and
storm water projects, according to the press release.

The cost of construction for completed road work in Jackson is approximately $275,000
per mile, while the average cost for completed road work in the region is between
$300,000 and $400,000 per mile, according to the press release.

Jackson’s road improvement project budgets have been $1.57 million for 2019; $994,628 for 2020; $1.86 million for 2021; and $2.32 million for 2022, according to the press release.

Jackson owns and maintains more than 208 miles of improved roads. When work is completed on the next 20 local roads, a total of 71 township roads will have been resurfaced and/or improved in other ways since 2019, according to the press release.