Former Hopewell Township mayor supports Peters-Manning, Chait in November election

I am writing to add my support for re-electing Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning and electing David Chait to the Hopewell Township Committee.

I have worked closely with Courtney since 2016 and have seen her work tirelessly for our community. David has been a tremendous asset to the Hopewell Committee, jumping in to learn about the issues and offering his extensive talents as a consultant and business owner to communicate with and work for all residents of Hopewell Township.

Both of these candidates are public servants in the best sense of the term. They consider all points of view and act in the interests of our township. I trust them to make considered and measured decisions. I trust them to always remember that they work for the public good.

Please join me in voting for Courtney-Peters-Manning and David Chait on Nov. 8.

Julie Blake

Former Hopewell Township mayor