Lawrenceville resident questions US House of Representative District 3 representation

In the upcoming election for our NJ District 3 US House representative, we have Bob Healey (R) running against the “invisible man.”

The “invisible man” is Democrat Andy Kim, who has been in Congress now for four years and is our incumbent representative. Has anyone heard from this guy? Personally, I have received no mailings, no phone calls, no communication whatsoever. I have no idea what he stands for, have no idea about his constituency services and have no idea where his office is in the local district, supposedly to service his constituents.

Further, I have three news/politically oriented apps that I spend hours each day reviewing one is a left leaning app (USA Today), one a center leaning app (NEWZIT) and one a right leaning app (Conservative News). As a “political animal,” so to speak, I like to keep up with the political news from all sides of the spectrum.

In the four full years that Andy Kim has been in Congress, I have not seen one single article on any of the three apps that he has either written, has been written about him or written about something he is doing or strongly believes in.

His opponent for the Congressional seat says that he votes with [President Joe] Biden and [Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy] Pelosi 100% of the time.

Is that something you like in a politician? I certainly don’t. There is something to be said and admire about politicians that are independent and vote according to their conscience, not because they want to please either [former President Donald] Trump or Biden camp. There are certainly examples: Joe Manchin, Kristin Sinema, Liz Cheney and Adam

How has NJ District 3 progressed recently? A recent representative of ours, Rush Holt, was
arguably the smartest person in the entire Congress – which encompasses over 500 representatives. He continually sent me mailings so I could decipher his political views on issues and also see how he had worked on bringing federal money into the district.

Now we have Andy Kim representing us! The drop in quality is mind boggling.

Ira L. Marks
