Hightstown residents support Bollentin for mayor

We would like to address a previous letter to the editor regarding the race for mayor in Hightstown. First of all, speaking as both Hightstown residents and residents of Wyckoff Mills where she serves on the board, we do not support Susan Bluth in her campaign for mayor. We support Michael Bollentin, who altruistically wants to serve the people in our town, devoid of ego and prestige. Unlike Ms. Bluth, Michael actually wants to listen to the concerns of our residents and make changes to enhance our town, so we may thrive and flourish. Unlike Ms. Bluth, who treats renters in our community as second-class citizens and unprofessionally, even referring to an owner as a “deadbeat” via email, Michael has ethics, grace, and integrity. In addition, he is affable, approachable, authentic, and open, as opposed to Ms. Bluth.

As residents of Wyckoff Mills, we have found the lack of communication and transparency by Bluth to be monumental.  Michael seeks to have open, clear channels of communication with transparency, fiscal relief, and responsible redevelopment. Ms. Bluth’s “years of experience” has yielded no results nor changes for our borough. Contrarily, Mr. Bollentin is both industrious and purely motivated to serve our town so we may expand and prosper.

Michael is one who has spent his life in public service serving, really serving; in the first aid squad (30 years), and as a police officer, mentor, coach, and substitute teacher after retiring. Mr. Bollentin is an educated forward-thinking man who has grown up in this town and truly seeks to better the town with a refreshing passion and selflessness that Hightstown needs. We need a mayor like that, not someone who simply serves her ego.

We support Michael Bollentin! Hightstown needs a new face–one of fervor, genuineness, and an innate conviction to better our town.

Michael’s slate of plans and goals for Hightstown is on his website at www.michaelbollentin.com. Ms. Bluth had no slate until three days ago, at which point she posted on the Democratic Party site a slate that was identical to that of Mr. Bollentin’s.  She has also refused to participate in Michael’s weekly get-to-know-the-candidate forums, and she refused to participate in a debate that was to be set up by the League of Women Voters for the candidates. Michael, on the other hand, has remained accessible to everyone.

Michele Lynn Kallman, Skye Gilmartin, Victoria Verello,

Susan Matson, Debora Paternoster

Hightstown residents